Sunday, 28 July 2013

Human Birth

One should not lose this opportunity, human birth is very precious. Only humans have the capacity to worship God, so it is not wise to waste this life for mundane pleasures. It is everyone's duty to keep this body good and healthy. Time decides whom you meet in your life, your heart decides whom you want in your life but your behaviour decides who will stay in your life. I believe we are 100% responsible for how our life turns out. Challenges come to all of us, but we have a choice of how to respond. In every block of wood there is a beautiful statue, you only have to remove the excess material. Whenever you come accross a challenge, look at the other side - you will be surprised to find an easy way to tackle a big problem. Everything in this world happens for a reason, so keep moving forward and live without regrets. There is no need to avoid pleasure for fear of pain as both are inevitable. You didn't bring anything with you, whatever you possess has been taken from this planet only. Whatever you possess had belonged to someone else yesterday and it will belong to someone else in the future. Actually you didn't lose anything, then why do you cry? What did you bring with you that you lost? This body does not belong to you either, it is made up of five elements and after a while it will merge into its own elements. The soul is the only permanent. Think now - what are you, who are you and why are you on this planet. Life is fragile, delicate and very uncertain and this is the actual beauty of life. Life is uncertain as a drop of water on a lotus leaf, death may occur at any moment. Birth is not our choice, death is also not our choice, but the way we live our life is absolutely our choice. So enjoy it and make every day memorable.

Ready or not, one day it will all come to an end, all the things you collected in your lifetime will pass to someone else. We are here to feel the life's extremes - pleasure-pain, good-bad, health-sickness. Once we experience adversity, we get purified. HOPE is just a four letter word, but when we lose everything, it gives us a reason to live again. Hope releases the energy that helps you to shape positive outcome in any kind of situation. Remember, whenever things develop, there are always steps, not jumps!