Fasting is a kind of self control and help us to cultivate patience. Actually, fasting is a gift to our over burdened body. Fasting during holy months also burns our ego, pride, anger, hatred etc. and that is true the true meaning of fasting. It is also an opportunity to change our bad habits. By fasting we also learn the art of desire management and this builds our self control. The aim of fasting is to control the dependence on material things - it means getting away from the external world and feeling the internal world with greater depth. Fasting is not only abstaining from food but from the negative habits too. When we fast, our digestive system will get rest for a short period and our body energy will automatically be channelized towards healing. It improves our health and is very good to inculcate a spirit of patience. Actually this is a kind of hunger shock. Hunger is a reminder that food is an important part of our life - in the absence of food it is impossible to continue life on earth. Nature has produced food and water abundantly for human beings but because of free supply, people take it for granted. People waste great quantity of food and water and this is not right. Humanity has to pay for it anyway. Fasting is the best way to pay for it by which we can save the nature's gift and our body, both.
We spend lots of our time and energy in producing, preparing, cooking and eating food. Hence on certain days, we decide to save time and conserve this energy by eating simple and light food so our gut can take some rest - this is called fasting. Every machine or system needs a break. . Rest and change in diet are good for our body and digestive system. Fasting helps us learn how to gain control over our desire and senses and guides the mind to be at peace. Fasting from certain types of foods promotes a healthy lifestyle. Healthy spirit is more likely to manifest itself in a healthy body. Fasting from certain type of foods promotes a healthy life.
"There is an unseen sweetness in the stomach's emptiness. When the brain and belly burn from fasting, every moment a new song rises in mind that makes it very light and happy."
Fasting is not just a religious ritual, it is also a course of nature that is very good for health. Fasting is a method for practicing self control and also strengthens control of impulses that helps to develop good behavior means fasting is a saintly method of self control it also enhance your over all feeling of well being. fasting is the easiest way to re-activate our digestive system. my experience taught me that you must listen your gut because there is a clear connection between the gut and brain health, what ever happens in gut will affect the brain also.