Thursday, 3 July 2014


Today, I want to talk about relationships. Most relationships that fail in today's scenario are the ones where everyone is begging for happiness. When two beggers get married, they become poorer. But if you start giving to each other, there would be magic. Life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people. You are not the best at everything. So learn to accept each others faults and choose to celebrate each others differences. In fact, understanding is the base of any relationship. We sometimes reach to a point where circumstances get out of control. We may not know what to do. I think this is a good time to do nothing. Just let go and watch. In relationships people do hurt each other and create misunderstandings. The result is bitterness, anger, frustration and what-not! This all causes unhappiness. Forgiveness is the only way by which we can end such bitter situations. A little more acceptance from your side can make your relationship very good and strong. There is no situation so bad that it can not be transformed into a good one. Everything in this world keeps on changing -  nothing is permanent. The same goes for such situations too. The best formula for a good relationship is - "Do the same for others as you want them to do for you". Be sincere and faithful, the key is to give without expectation. Relationships are for happiness and security. The very idea of relationships is to make our life more comfortable, peaceful, beautiful and happy. Relationships sour primarily due to ego but try not to allow your ego to (mis)use you. It is a tool if you know how to use it and it will give you many wonderful things. Our circle of belongings depends on the extent of our ego. Inability to compromise and forgive can create humongous problems in your cannot  be without relationship, it also causes a sense of dependence and possessiveness but it has a glowing depth and joy which increases by the time . the most wonderful thing in life is to find a partner for the life time with which  you can make your own family.

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