Tuesday, 13 April 2021


T HE EGO is our creation not god,s .egoism is the attitude of i and mine.  who we are referring when we say i and mine - is it the body , do we own our body? how can the body conceived by our parents and sustained by nature can be ours? what do we give in compensation for the air water and light we take from nature than how can we say the body is ours. if the i is in the name , where was it before our parents named us and if we change it what happens to the i .  similarly what is the difference between my body and of others apart from shape and size is there any fundamental difference. after the body dies ,the body we call " mine "will not be with us anymore, if the body were ours it would remain with us always. if we were the mind - it should be under our control. sometimes we are happy , sometimes sad and sometimes angry or lazy means it has different characters at different times than where the real I in this .can we introduce ourselves to others only by saying " I " without adding any information pertaining  to our occupation or the fact that we are someones son or husband or wife or that we are from certain place our identity is not clear,yet any of these is not permanent. our job can change our address can change or we may lose our near dear ones today or tomorrow, so do i not exists without them .  eventually the fact is " I " is not real it is the atma (soul )that inhers in everyone. we might say i am pushpa ,i am pramila ,i am priyanka what is common in all this is "I". even in the refrigerator , fan or light seem different but there is no difference in the electric current that make each one of them work. same way the supreme consciousness that inhere in all of us is same,if we can realize this than only we can understand the life.actually we are the prisoners of our ego , fearful of loosing identity ego constantly defends and crave for attention. by holding our ego-self in high esteem  we becomes more rigid,we have to penetrate our crust of ego to reach our deepest core in order to realized the self, because ego  is not who you really are it is your social mask. it wants to control you because it lives in fear and sustained by power. if ego exceed its limit it can also suffocate us and become our biggest cause of unhappiness. when a child is born there is no ego but slowly the family and society put the ''I'' in child and it start strengthening by the time and becomes like a disease only self discipline, humanity and spirituality can prevent us from this ego. i have given a donation  , i have done this or that is all the expansion of ego. concept of ''I'' is a characteristic symptom of false ego . when ego is dropped , all problems come to an end. if you are successful it is due to divine law and nothing to do with your egotistic will, you have to be grateful to god rather than feeling proud about it.ego is the greatest veil which never allows you to see the truth

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