Tuesday, 13 April 2021


T HE EGO is our creation not god,s .egoism is the attitude of i and mine.  who we are referring when we say i and mine - is it the body , do we own our body? how can the body conceived by our parents and sustained by nature can be ours? what do we give in compensation for the air water and light we take from nature than how can we say the body is ours. if the i is in the name , where was it before our parents named us and if we change it what happens to the i .  similarly what is the difference between my body and of others apart from shape and size is there any fundamental difference. after the body dies ,the body we call " mine "will not be with us anymore, if the body were ours it would remain with us always. if we were the mind - it should be under our control. sometimes we are happy , sometimes sad and sometimes angry or lazy means it has different characters at different times than where the real I in this .can we introduce ourselves to others only by saying " I " without adding any information pertaining  to our occupation or the fact that we are someones son or husband or wife or that we are from certain place our identity is not clear,yet any of these is not permanent. our job can change our address can change or we may lose our near dear ones today or tomorrow, so do i not exists without them .  eventually the fact is " I " is not real it is the atma (soul )that inhers in everyone. we might say i am pushpa ,i am pramila ,i am priyanka what is common in all this is "I". even in the refrigerator , fan or light seem different but there is no difference in the electric current that make each one of them work. same way the supreme consciousness that inhere in all of us is same,if we can realize this than only we can understand the life.actually we are the prisoners of our ego , fearful of loosing identity ego constantly defends and crave for attention. by holding our ego-self in high esteem  we becomes more rigid,we have to penetrate our crust of ego to reach our deepest core in order to realized the self, because ego  is not who you really are it is your social mask. it wants to control you because it lives in fear and sustained by power. if ego exceed its limit it can also suffocate us and become our biggest cause of unhappiness. when a child is born there is no ego but slowly the family and society put the ''I'' in child and it start strengthening by the time and becomes like a disease only self discipline, humanity and spirituality can prevent us from this ego. i have given a donation  , i have done this or that is all the expansion of ego. concept of ''I'' is a characteristic symptom of false ego . when ego is dropped , all problems come to an end. if you are successful it is due to divine law and nothing to do with your egotistic will, you have to be grateful to god rather than feeling proud about it.ego is the greatest veil which never allows you to see the truth

Saturday, 27 March 2021


All things in this world are changing but enlightenment remains the same. nothing can dim the light that shines from within. This is a state  of awareness in which one sees the true nature of things. an enlightenment-ed soul guide us how to think speak and act in such a way that benefits all humanity. enlightenment gives good wisdom and pure healing to all like sun . To lit the inner light of humanity you requires some efforts to control your mind. once you overcome it everything in this world will be more meaningful ,clear and active. negativity of your mind will start to die and positivism will start growing .It reveals secretes of universe and humanity and truths of survival, but the path to reach such a stage is not easy you have to work on it very seriously. all colors of life are needed to paint a beautiful piece of art. The secrete of attaining peace in life is tolerance of disturbance. The real enlightenment is to achieve a mental state that looks with equal ease at happiness and sorrow, at misery and luxury. divine is present in everyone this is the inner light of consciousness  but there are very few people who enjoyed it . It is the tendency of curious mind to acquire more information and grow in terms of understanding. This life is a beautiful mystery, living it fully with inner peace is called enlightenment. an enlightenment is only an experience, no amount of writing can explain it. practice of patient is the main door to enlightenment, so develop patient you will get wisdom in return. To turn your attention within you must make your mind still, as your mind becomes free from desires and thoughts you feel enlightenment ,bliss is realized  only when the mind becomes free. whenever you create something you feel enlightened

Friday, 11 September 2020


this is the principle of life  everything in this UNIVERSE is created in polarities. this earth is made up of pair of opposites Duality is an essential characteristic of our planet . in our life everything is a set of opposites, if you keep digging and create a valley a mountain also gets created this is the nature in harmony so experience the life in all possible circumstances  good- bad ,dark- light, sweet -bitter don,t afraid of any kind of experience because they made you more mature  .don,t think that your life will always be an upward curve because it,s not possible every plus must be balanced by a minus .it,s either nothing or everything only because of duality , there are equal and opposite forces at every aspect of life. to understand darkness we need light , to know happiness we need to know sorrow. whenever you are miserable you gain sympathy or attention but whenever you are happy people become jealous from you this is called duality.duality is a means of division of subject and object  without which experiencing is not possible. a question and an  answer is only possible because of you and me . some paradoxes that color human life are-----( 1)- certainty and uncertainty . uncertainty provides growth while certainty provides order, both are needed for a complete life. ( 2 )- individuality and connectedness -   as a human being you are a unique individual and you need identity and significance but at the same time you feel isolated so you crave for connectedness.  ( 3 )- having and giving , need to consume and need to contribute, this life is a flow of things and there is an oscillation between giving and taking,. so we need both .duality is the basic for all phenomenal manifestations, the subject and object  relationship. equilibrium is the ultimate phenomenon of nature, imbalance always leads to destruction . earth provides enough to satisfy everyone,s need but not every men,s greed. every human being is born in an environment and bound to live a conditioned life, we may call it fate and no one can escape from it because it,s only god,s will we can,t do anything about it . conditioning is a phenomenon of thinking which can be changed with the capacity of mind. if you made sincere efforts and use your mind wisely you can do miracles and change all the conditions you born in .there are truly  two sides to every thing one is positive and the other is negative , both are related to the points of time according to need. how would you know there is silence ? because there is no sound 

Thursday, 20 August 2020


Discipline is very necessary for good health and happiness. Discipline means the capacity to be. we all have our limitations, these limitations differ from person to person. Actually discipline is to drop negativity and enhance positivity. Challenges help us to grow - so instead of being hamstrung by  these challenges, we should welcome them. Unless we are tested by circumstances, we do not know our own potential. Slowly we learn to let go and stay with things and people with whom we are comfortable. If we want to live a peaceful and purposeful life, we begin  to stay away from the activities that are stressful. Our limitations will teach us to be truly human. Nature provides us with the option of compromise as an effective means to achieve harmony and peace in times of emotional turmoil. We want to only receive all the time. Our greed knows no limits, limits cannot be mathematically defined. Only your heart has to tell you where to stop. Learn to listen to your heart and add value to your life. It is a question of overcoming ego and allowing for greater sharing. Discipline means willingly following some agreed upon rules. And it also means being polite towards your elders. Without discipline, a man cannot be successful in life. Hence there is a notable limitation and at the same time a strong possibility. Self control has great value in human behavior. It is a kind of a mutual adjustment and formula for success. A man who cannot gain control on his mind does not have self respect. Actually we create our own prison and get used to it. Are you getting bored with the repetitive pattern of your life? if yes than you will break the discipline and get out of your limitations , this is called risk taking or adventure.new generation is doing this because they don.t like discipline. but this is not a good sign for their future a Self disciplined person can enjoy the life without any harm. The only way to keep life exciting and dynamic is through the mind. So indulge in healthy hobbies, exercise and keep your mental juice flowing all the time. There is nothing more exciting than new ideas that keep you busy. It is a conscious effort to get uplifted. You will have to learn to live with your limitations. But there boundaries are often set by other people. In reality, human beings possess infinite potential but they also have certain weaknesses. Until they resolve them they face limitations. It is entirely up to your own choice. People talk about freedom but they want to remain in bondage because it has its own comfort and convenience  most of us tend to under estimate the power of routine but routine gives a structure to life . when you decide to organize your days you will lead a more meaningful  life. it,s only a way to a happy and successful life. our limitations are found within us but their boundaries are often set by other peoples. 

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Don't Crib & Enjoy Your Life!

The nature of life is for things to rub against each other and create friction. We all get lost, we all make mistakes, we all get ill and eventually we all die. If you can accept this, you can relax in life. We experience ourselves in the things we love more. That is why when we lose the things we love, we feel very hurt. Everyone is faced with that choice at some point - when a person does not get what he/she wants, or when a loved one dies, either you can blame God or you can turn and face the fire. You can look honestly at yourself and enter into a process of change. If we tighten in fear, we hinder new life from being born. It's not easy to relax in pain but if you can do it, you can see new life being born. You are more precious than everything else, so always try to save yourself in any situation. When you have lost everything - even after that you have something left and that is yourself. So forget what is lost and take that which still exists for you, this is the best formula for attaining a happy life. 

There are some people who complain regardless. Complaining is a way of life for them & they cannot stop cribbing. Such kind of people do not take responsibilities for their actions. Their energy and intellect are so focused on finding faults, so they cannot focus on achieving their goals. So please stop cribbing about what you don't have and look what is there for you. When we complain and criticize constantly, we are inviting negativity in our life. 

The most senseless complains are -

1:  weather is too hot or too cold                                                                                           
2:  traffic is too bad                                                                                                                               
3:  nobody cares for me                                                                                                                     
4:  nobody appreciates me or nobody listens to me
These are all negative thoughts of your mind. Please become less of a complainer and more thankful, than your problems will automatically dissolve. Instead of criticizing every situation, let us use our time in something productive because time is very precious. Nothing is more precious than time because time is equal to life. Wasting your time means wasting your life - so please take very good care of your time  EVERY ACTION IS HAPPENING ACCORDING TO A COSMIC LAW ".  it is not something done by any human being means we can't blame anyone for whatever happens in life. difference in views and thinking are deeply rooted in this universe ,if every body thinks alike what will be there to think but we have no right to think that i am always right because truth can be seen from many angles and expressed in many ways you must  have to except it  . when there are differences in opinion among people it paves the way for dialogue, which in turn foster creative and intellectual development hence differences are good for wisdom. God does not design people or circumstances according to our taste, so let others behave as they want -- this is not within your control any way so don't complain for anything and try to make balance with it . you are not an isolated entity in this world but an essential piece of puzzle of humanity so try to locate properly in this cosmic world. as you grow older your mind encounters rigid frames of -like,dislike,opinion ,fear, greed etc influenced by your background and we get imprisoned by what we know. your struggle is to see that the other people fits in to your views and this is very complicated way of living  and reason for complaining every thing and this is not good . actually the good and bad all live within us only our free choice determines the direction to go.let us respect the differences and recognize that we do not serve an ideology, we serve the people.

Mental Health & Wellness

What comes to your mind when you think about mental health?

I'll tell you that your thought process is the key for your success along with your attitude and self confidence. Our body is the servant of our mind and mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts. Thoughts play an important role in our lives. All physical activities originate from the mind, which is the prime mover of all activities. A healthy mind is the key to a healthy body - all successful people have sound mental health. Poor health is not caused by something you don't have, it is caused by disturbing something that you already have. Health always flows from the inner most to the outermost - if our mind is calm and clear, our body will stay healthy. Thought is a tremendous force that shapes our attitude, attitude makes our character and character influences our life. A positive attitude will prevent us from giving up. We cannot accomplish our best work when we are weighed down with negativity. 

In today's scenario, technology creates mental isolation, which that creates loneliness and loneliness creates frustration. Your mind can be trained to be calm through yoga and meditation and it will enhance your ability to survive in this world without frustration and tension. An obstacle in our mind is worse than obstacle in our path. First, still the body, then still the breath and finally still the mind - when the lake is still it reflects full moon. If we control our mind, all wisdom will naturally come to us. Our mind has unlimited reserves of energy we can do anything with the help of this energy. 

Our mind is like a monkey always jumping and hopping from one thought to another, so it needs discipline. purpose of life is to make the mind work for you not & against you. If you use it wrongly, it leads to misery but if you use it in a right way, you can reach the heights in any field. It only depends on you & how you use your mind. There is a little unique spark in everyone waiting for the right conditions to appear. 

Money has it's limitations but mind is limitless. When you are flowing you never feel tired. In fact, you feel more energetic, you grow wings & you can fly in the sky because your mind is happy. So always try to keep your mind calm and happy with the help of meditation and positive thinking. Our purpose of life is not simply to survive but to enjoy it. Your body is bound to become old but your mind will always remain young and you can lead a very successful life with the help of this wonderful tool called MIND.

Sunday, 17 May 2020


"Where there is forgiveness, there is God Himself"

The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget. Forgiveness is the key that breaks the chain of bitterness. By forgiving the people who have done us wrong, we can give ourselves the greatest gift of  peace. This gives us an opportunity to start afresh or to do better next time. Forgiveness is a choice - so let go of the desire of revenge and commit to learn from our errors. Forgiving frees both - the forgiver and the forgiven, equally on a subtle level. Forgiveness saves your precious time and saves you to face more problems, it is an instant solution for any problem. Revenge always wastes time without any benefit. To forgive means to stop feeling angry, it has more to do with ourselves than others. It comes only when we move out of the negative mind set. Forgiving is the real victory, no relationship can survive without it. Parents always forgive their children no matter what they do. 

The way of this world is to find fault in others because everybody is dominated by the mind which is motivated by ego and this thinking leads us to criticize others. These critical remarks may upset us but it is not worth getting upset over the comments of others who have no value in our life. When we face criticism, we can take a hard look at ourselves and make some changes so that we become a better person. When you forgive anybody, you don't change the past but you sure do some change for the future. Mistakes are always forgivable. Every action you perform is like a boomerang, it always comes back to you, so don't waste your life in useless matters - there are so many good things to do. When someone hurts us, we have three ways to deal with it -

1) Express - we can express our anger, if we can do it calmly in a productive way.
2) Suppress it - we do not express anger and take it inside, but this might cause depression and stress. 3) Forgive - we are ready to move forward and don't want to stick in that moment.

Weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of a strong person. Meditation is the best way to calm your mind and forgive all your criticizers.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Good Parenting & Childhood

Every child in this world is unique.

There is nothing to become, nothing to achieve - let individuality in the child grow. Acknowledge the potential within the child and help it to blossom to its full potential. Instead of making the child ambitious, you need to recognize the child's talents and nourish it in an atmosphere that encourages individuality. Children are new editions of fresh entries of divinity into life. They are born with the power of grasping fresh knowledge, which is optimum at birth and diminishes with age - so don't suffocate your children with restrictions. But you have to study their natural talent and give proper direction to their fresh energy. This is the best way to guide your children. 

Children have their own agendas and try to find out more and more about this world, however each child is nurtured by the goal of ambition through their parents and the society. The child has to prove himself by bringing gold medals and trophies in every field. Is it possible for a little child? 

In this race not everybody can taste success and reach the top. So millions of others are bound to develop negativity. Ergo, I think that ambition is a poison and it is more dangerous than any kind of alcohol and drugs. It often destroys the life of child and make him move in the wrong direction. Why should we make talent a grade to judge the child? Why should we not take it as nature of the child. 

Respect, justice, love and liberty - if we teach our children these concepts at the age of six or seven, they will keep it for the rest of their lives. The greatest legacy we can give to our children is not money but a legacy of character and faith. Any personality begins to form in childhood and to the time one reaches maturity. So good parenting is the real base to form good and charming personalities.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Faith - The Oxygen of Life

Faith is to believe what you do not see. You are nothing with the potential of everything. Faith is your inner conviction. Faith helps you remain positive. So never lose faith in yourself - you can do anything in this universe. 

If we have faith, nothing is impossible. Faith is not something to grasp. It is a state to grow in. It has been repeatedly proven that the things of this world and our own possessions will not be sufficient to keep us happy. People are getting increasingly addicted to a materialistic culture. In the race for bigger and better, we tend to neglect relationships. We forgot to love one another. Love is the binding force that makes us feel connected and secure. Love is the oxygen which sustains positivity and compassion. 

Do not limit yourself. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe you can achieve. Faith is the force by which man lives in this society. In the absence of faith, you cannot move forward in life. Faith can move mountains. Nothing is possible without faith. It is the greatest blessing that God can bestow upon us. Faith is the spirit that gives us stability and equanimity. Faith is the ray of sunshine that lights up the dark. Faith is a beautiful fragrant flower that blooms even in suffering. But faith without work is dead. Faith is the power which helps us in connecting with the supreme. You are as young as your faith and as old as your doubts. Faith brings the finest moments in our darkest hours. Man is made up of faith. Faith is composed of the hearts intention. Light comes through faith. Having faith has advantages like the sense of purpose and direction and the strength to deal with challenges of life. Faith is the divinity within you. Faith helps us to hold our mind in times of difficulties. Faith is the energy that can make things happen. Faith is the self confidence that gives mental courage and ultimately makes the body strong to face the adversities of life. In extreme pain, faith gets shaken.


"Violence is not the nature of man, it is his choice!"

Beasts are violent by nature, while man becomes violent by circumstances. There is a great streak of violence in every human being, it will break only in anger and war. Violent actions are the louder expressions of thoughts of mind. Today, we are living in times of increasing violence, we may never be strong enough to be entirely non-violent in thought but we can keep non-violence as our goal and try to progress towards it. Violence towards self also makes us miserable. When a person does not meet his demands he ignores  positive aspects of self  and torture himself ,his focus is only to avoid the pain and this may results in suicide,which is increasing dangerously in these days .usually young generation use it as a short cut .violence is only the battle between good and evil forces and non-violence is a powerful weapon  which can cut everything without wounding. violence is not to be reacted with violence but the transformation of that heart is only the solution. be good to them who hates you .weapons used for violence has to be turn into instruments for agricultural use.the five forms of violence comes from-lust,anger,greed ,ego and attachment connected to the feeling of desire. violence takes away your soul,s peace. violence is not merely killing another it is also a violence when we use a sharp word ,when we make a gesture to hit a person violence never made anyone benefit.fear pleasure sorrow and violence all are inter related. If we know how to look at violence not only outwardly in society but also in ourselves, then perhaps we shall be able to go beyond it. When you call yourself an Indian, Muslim, Christian or anything else, you are being violent - it means you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. So we can say that violence is a fact that exists in every human being. According to me law is against the individual and for the cowards. Criminals are not responsible for their crimes - actually they inherit that tendency. It is because of lack of guidance when a person is dealing with overactive hormones in teenage years - so punishing is not fair because that person needs sympathy, love and help. He actually needs some kind of meditation and deep cleaning of mind. In my vision, the court will not consists of law experts, they will consist of people who understand human nature, so every unique criminal can find his way and we can transform him into a good citizen.

Sunday, 1 December 2019

The Logic Behind Fasting

Fasting is a kind of self control and help us to cultivate patience. Actually, fasting is a gift to our over burdened body. Fasting during holy months also burns our ego, pride, anger, hatred etc. and that is true the true meaning of fasting. It is also an opportunity to change our bad habits. By fasting we also learn the art of desire management and this builds our self control. The aim of fasting is to control the dependence on material things - it means getting away from the external world and feeling the internal world with greater depth. Fasting is not only abstaining from food but from the negative habits too. When we fast, our digestive system will get rest for a short period and our body energy will automatically be channelized towards healing. It improves our health and is very good to inculcate a spirit of patience. Actually this is a kind of hunger shock. Hunger is a reminder that food is an important part of our life - in the absence of food it is impossible to continue life on earth. Nature has produced food and water abundantly for human beings but because of free supply, people take it for granted. People waste great quantity of food and water and this is not right. Humanity has to pay for it anyway. Fasting is the best way to pay for it by which we can save the nature's gift and our body, both.                                                                                                                                            
We spend lots of our time and energy in producing, preparing, cooking and eating food. Hence on certain days, we decide to save time and conserve this energy by eating simple and light food so our gut can take some rest - this is called fasting. Every machine or system needs a break. . Rest and change in diet are good for our body and digestive system. Fasting helps us learn how to gain control over our desire and senses and guides the mind to be at peace. Fasting from certain types of foods promotes a healthy lifestyle. Healthy spirit is more likely to manifest itself in a healthy body. Fasting from certain type of foods promotes a healthy life. 

"There is an unseen sweetness in the stomach's emptiness. When the brain and belly burn from fasting, every moment a new song rises in mind that makes it very light and happy." 

Fasting is not just a religious ritual, it is also a course of nature that is very good for health. Fasting is a method for practicing self control and also strengthens control of impulses that helps to develop good behavior means fasting is a saintly method of self control it also enhance your over all feeling of well being. fasting is the easiest way to re-activate our digestive system. my experience taught me that you must listen your gut because there is a clear connection between the gut and brain health, what ever happens in gut will affect the brain also.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Nature and the Miracle called Mother Earth!

Nature meets all our wants. This world is a quest house. The law of nature represents harmony and unity, we can learn from water to go with the flow - it always flows downward and find a different path by moving itself away from the obstacles. We can also learn from trees to give our free service to humanity.                   

Like a huge tree emerges from a tiny seed, this vast universe originates from a tiny egg like structure. All the evolution in this universe is a movement towards perfection - in earth and life on earth. The upsurge of spirit is the only way to stop ecological destruction of our planet, otherwise we will destroy the preconditions for human life on this planet. We call ourselves superior and intelligent but continue to destroy the very things - plants ,trees and animals on which our life depends. The plants and animals can exists comfortably without us but we can not live without them. We always take nature's gift for granted. We can live without gold and silver but not without air water and food, which nature gives us for free. They are not cheap, they are valuable but free. We had given more importance to material things than values and this is very unfortunate for mankind. You are an inseparable part of everything around you.

Both human and cosmic bodies are made up of five elements. Inter-dependence is not a theory - it is a reality. Soil and water are not commodities but life making materials. The eternal composition of human body is 72% water and remaining is earth . There is an infinite spontaneity and creativity unfolding every moment in nature because change is a constant factor of this universe. The whole foundation of ecology is inter dependent and we behave without understanding this reality, it is like cutting our own limbs. Trees are being cut mindlessly for money making but if all trees disappear from this earth, we cannot survive. Man goes on breathing oxygen and throwing carbon dioxide, trees go on inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen. Neither can we live without trees nor trees can exists without us . Because of cutting forests, so much of carbon dioxide has accumulated in the atmosphere raising the temperature of earth. So the eternal ice of Himalayas starts melting. If this continues, then all the oceans will rise so much higher that the water will drown almost the whole earth. When our first astronaut landed on moon, we became aware that the earth is enveloped by a thick sheet of ozone blanket and this does not allow the death rays to enter, that come from the sun. Only because of this ozone blanket life has been possible on this planet, but out of our stupidity, we have made holes in this blanket, resulting in increase of death rays onto this earth and giving birth to so many deadly diseases like cancer and so many other diseases which are uncountable. 

The environmental situations currently are a cause of grave concern. What took nature millions of years to produce, we seem ready to wipe it out in one generation. Our rivers are our life lines, since most of the rivers are forest fed, the best way to regain them is with more vegetation. But the organic content of the soil has fallen drastically and this is very alarming. The only way to increase organic content of soil is through tree cultivation and animal waste. If we destroy our capability to generate food, we will be heading towards disaster. We are witnessing alarming cycles of floods and earth quacks in the last few years, so this is the time for all of us to wake up. This nature is our mother so we must respect it, otherwise we will have to pay for it. 

We have an intimate relationship with nature. A clean and positive environment can effect all other layers of existence. We need to go back to respecting nature and being sensitive to our environment. Rivers are the lifelines of all civilizations and recognized as the basis of life force, because 60-- 70 % of our body is made up of water element. We need certain amount of humidity in atmosphere and we also need water to drink as a  fluid. Our earth is 70% water area and 30% land, so we can not deny the importance of water in our lives. We must try to save our sacred rivers because we can not drink the water of ocean - it is only for evaporation so we can get rain water. 

"Sun provides heat and light to every entity on earth irrespective of their religion and status."     
Sooner or later we have to recognize that the earth has rights too, to live without pollution. We can not live without mother earth but this planet can live without human beings.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga means union of soul and supreme soul, man and nature - a harmonious relationship between man and the environment. Yoga connects mind and body through a series of postures, breathing exercises and meditation. Most important contribution of yogic science is it's capacity to inculcate balance between the physical and psychological. In this world of rapid changes, nothing is more crucial than balance. Yoga is an invaluable tool in intense and stressful situations, helping man to maintain psychological balance. Yoga is a path of self discipline and detachment from worldly things.

Despite technical growth, the real standard of living in terms of love, happiness and peace has yet to find its roots in our society. Yoga offers a unique way of life to man. It is found that "Prana" - the body energy is the basic life principle, which acts as a bridge between mind and body. Body and mind are not separate entities but they are interlinked. A calm and peaceful mind always stays in a healthy body. Best thing about yoga is that it does not need any equipment and can be done everywhere. Yoga can also be adjusted to suit any age and personal capacity. Everyone can use it not just to achieve physical well being but also to learn a better way of living. We need to realize that everyone else is also a soul and the entire human family is linked together. The ultimate aim of yoga practice is to overcome suffering and achieve holistic health and happiness. Yoga can make you look more toned and fit especially as you grow older. Yoga activates your energy system, so your body and mind will become naturally fine.       

Meditation is a magic bullet that is best for all kind of agitations. It maintains your inner peace, calm and stability of mind, which is the main stress in todays life. The peace, joy and love we gain from meditation radiates to all those we meet. The physical aspects of yoga and meditation are well known. When we meditate on our inner light, we find that the light within us is the same as the light within others and we began to see all living things as a part of God. That's what meditation is all about transformation, it needs a totally different approach. Everybody is engaged in a continuous internal dialogue process, which is created from the memories of our past and this creates tension. Meditation is the best way to loosen the grip of sticky emotions and promote both physical and emotional healing. Here are some benefits of meditation -

  • Lowered blood pressure and hypertension 
  • Slower heart rate
  • Decrease cholesterol level
  • Reduce production of stress hormone
  • More efficient  oxygen  use by the body
  • Increase production of anti-aging hormone 
  • Improve immune system of your body                                                          

Yoga is capable of activating inner energies in a way that your body and mind function at their optimal capacity. Yoga is a process of gaining mastery over mind. It is a subtle technique to calm down the mind or we may call it a state of equilibrium of mind. Breath is life but breath is not the soul. Breath is very deeply related to your thought process. Meditation is just watching your breath, sit silently and try to feel your breath and go with it. You will find there comes a point where it stops near your naval for a tiny moment, then it moves outward. Follow it -  go with it outside again and you will come to a point where the breath stops for a tiny moment, and the cycle starts again.That stop is called  inhalation gap. That gap is the most mysterious phenomenon inside our body. That is the only point where one can feel God. Once you continue this process, you will see that this gap is becoming bigger and this is called Sadhna. We should have some control over our breathing, because the waves of respiration control the waves of thinking. Beyond these, the greatest gift of meditation is the sense of calm and inner peace it brings into our daily life. If you want to live a happy life please give some time to yoga and meditation in your daily routine - it's very necessary in todays lifestyle.

"Deathless Minds, Ageless Bodies"

Yoga is a sacred gift from the divine for our spiritual growth. It is a sum total of all life enhancing virtues. We cannot stop ageing and decay of the body but a strong mind can lend great value even to a weak body. Yoga is a good way to improve strength and immunity of our body. It is a holistic discipline that leads not only a healthy body but also a strong mind. Physical exercise may keep the body fit and meditation brings balance and harmony between body mind and soul. As nutritious food and regular exercise needed to keep the body healthy, our mind also requires a diet of positive thoughts. We need to withdraw our attention from the outside world and try to focus it within through meditation. Then we can find ourselves free from pain and sorrow, actually yoga is the state of mental control and Pranayama  is the control of respiration. We can attain spiritual consciousness by focusing our attention within through meditation then we will experience peace and bliss.that,s what meditation is all about transformation it needs a totally different approach.meditation is nothing but freeing the mind from all thoughts and eventually focusing on god which is the origin of all existence,

Thursday, 14 December 2017



There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass the examination and finish your education. The whole life from the moment you are born to the moment you die is a process of learning. EDUCATION IS NOT FILLING A BUCKET but lighting the fire of wisdom. Education through experience is the secret of life. The end product of education should be a free creative person who can battle against circumstances and adversity. Education imparts the knowledge, values and attitude necessary to become a good citizen. You may have acquired good qualifications, you may be earning very well, but unless you understand who you are inside you will never feel satisfied with yourself.

Education without wisdom and experience is incomplete. The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and critically, i.e., intelligence plus character That is the goal of true education. Just a formal education is not enough to live. There is a level of natural development of mind in everyone, but it requires proper education. Education is a journey not a destination. The main aim of education is to create human awareness. Our real worth is not gained through education but through humanity. This world does not need more brilliant or talented people, it needs ordinary people with extra ordinary motivation. Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world. Education is a great redeemer of dreams and imagination. We can fulfill all our dreams with education, we cannot deny the values and benefits of education. Education contributes in the evolution and progress of both, mind and society; it seeks to enhance the quality of life as material gain but it does not cultivate a value system.

What is missing in present day education is the art of living, which people have taken for granted. Today's education is based on the concept of making money rather than making oneself a good human being. Education does not teach our youth the wisdom of handling the ups and downs of life. Spirituality needs to be part of our education system, because it is only the skill that helps deal with negative conflicts and agony that everyone faces in life. If you have an apple and I have an apple, if we exchange these apples both will still have only one apple but if you have an idea and I have an idea and if we exchange them then each of us will have two ideas - this is true education which can link all the humanity together and true progress can be made! Todays education is not addressing to promote harmony in society,we are only educating the left side of our brain and this is causing imbalance in society. what is missing in present  day education is the art of living,means root cause for the uglyness of humanity is hidden in our education because it does not teach our youth -the wisdom of handling the ups and downs of life .This is the main reason that,s why many educated and successful young people attempted suicide at their peak because they can,t handle their problems . IT is very important to explore different DIMENSIONS OF LIFE to get a holistic education. if we need to reshape the humanity in this world , the role of education is to infuse values in individuals and change their inner-selves. Introducing ethics and morals in education would raise hope for  brighter future of this planet.     CHARACTER IS ALWAYS GREATER THAN ANY TALENT . An education without wisdom is in-complete.education on the principles and practice of hygiene and environmental cleanliness is very essential for our mental health because we share a oneness with this whole creation .no doubt today,s education is filling the human brain with knowledge but no one seems to care about filling the human heart with compassion , which is very necessary for a good and healthy life.

Friday, 3 March 2017


Poor health is not caused by something you don't have, it is caused by disturbing something that you already have.

Fasting is my "go-to" when it comes to my health. Find out why and how fasting might help you!

If your energy body is in proper balance and full flow, your physical and mental bodies will be in perfect health. There are so many people who are medically healthy but do not experience a sense of inner well being, because their energy system is lethargic. You can only activate this energy by yoga and meditation. Medical science is limited to just knowing the physical bodies, disease and infection can be treated by medicines. However, for chronic aliment the root cause is always energy body. Every body loses energy as the years go by and this energy will dissipate over the time - this is called ageing and nobody can escape from it, because this is natural cycle created by God. 

Positive attitude is a very good thing to live a healthy life. Age is only a number, old age is also an opportunity no less then youth. All our health problems start from our gut. Do you know what is gut? You may call it naval or stomach, but actually this is the center of our body universe. In early childhood, gut bacteria has the maximum impact on the developing brain and it wears off by the age of three years just when brain expansion also starts slowing down. It has been shown that a clean gut   (नाभी; naval) helps in getting deep sleep, that's the reason why infants sleep so much. Whenever you become ill, first of all doctor will tell you to eat very light and bacteria free homemade food. The brain gut information channel is primarily the vegas nerve - one of the longest nerve in our body, it starts from head and after going through all the organs it ends near the anus. The other brain gut communication channel is our blood flow. The work of vegas nerve is to communicate with internal organs and relay their information and status to the brain. Our ancients also knew something about the brain gut connection as elaborated in the colon cleaning in ayruveda, nauli in hathyoga and patanjali yoga. All these activities stimulate the vegas nerve and helps in improving the brain gut connection. If you want to lead a healthy life always eat light and home made food, try to avoid "junk" food in all cases as it does no good for your body .
              our strength health and vital breath are dependent upon the power of digestion .daily exercise clean bowels positive thinking and meditation built our immunity and a strong immunity is your best health insurance plan .a healthy mind is the key to a healthy body . successful people have sound mental health . this whole universe and our body is made up of five elements they flow into one another and this is a harmonious relationship between the nature and human beings.if our inner mind is calm clear and pleasent our body will stay healthy.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017


Desire is your greatest enemy. Whenever a person is angry, behind that anger is a desire. Have you ever observed that whoever you are angry with or hate, you think of that person more than yourself.

Our life has two sets of memories - 1) memories of pleasant things and 2) memories of unpleasant things. Children often have pleasant memories more than unpleasant; that's why they are so cheerful!

What we need to embrace are pure desires of creative impulses, because this is the fuel for inner perfection. Desire is that glorious spark of energy that ignites dormant dreams. Desire implies a state where there is a movement towards growth, so always desire to learn something useful. Desires cannot be fulfilled at any stage of life, when one desire is fulfilled another desire crops up. When our mind acquires the object of its desire, it goes with something else and this thirst continuous the whole life, so you are advised only to control and regulate your mind. Modern life encourage us to desire more and more and when that desire mounts to a certain level people cross the line and enter the area of crime. But this will never make you happy. 

As you reduce your desires, your happiness increases. Desire is the greatest obstacle in obtaining the objects of desire, you spend sleepless nights to possess something but as soon as you get it, you see nothing special in it and desire for some other thing. This is the nature of life you can't change it. Desire is necessary to initiate action, without desire no action will be undertaken. Desire is not a bad thing, it is a primal force of creation. It is the desire that sparks and motivate sour actions but the manner in which desire is satisfied is the key part. When desire comes, analyse it, if it is good for you go ahead but if it is harmful put it aside.the urge to achieve more is unending , more you achieve more you crave for . Desire is the sign of being alive but when you are free of the bulk of desires means you are going towards peace. Meditation is a great way to break free from desires!

Monday, 10 October 2016

Women eMpowerment

We are all human species, then why are we dividing everything on the basis of gender? If feminism is about equality, then equality should be of opportunity and not sameness. Identification on the basis of gender means identifying with reproductive parts of our body, isn't it? If you must identify with body part, at least choose the brain. There is nothing pure and impure about the cycles of this body, this is just biology and God has given it to us for some purpose, so we don't have any right to differentiate it. 

Have you heard about Lord Shiva's Ardhanarishwara form, that is half man and half woman and the name means complete and ecstatic. In every woman there is a man and in every man there is a woman. How can the two be torn without harming the very fabric of life, actually male and female are inseparable and equal. The purpose is to realize that we are two equal parts of a complete ecstatic whole where one cannot exist without the other. Women are the backbone of any society, they are born managers and leaders. Men can inspire to fight but women always inspire to unite. Women bring us to this planet and teach us how to live; they have both gentleness and strength. There is a secret in our culture and it's not that child - birth is very painful, it's only that women are very strong. No man can do it. All beyond these truths it seems to me that unless woman begin to wear armour and have body - guards they are not safe. A woman's body is very open to penetration so she is an easy prey, and the urge to be secure creates more insecurity. It's very important for a woman to be educated and aware and try to change the mind set of society. 

Here I want to raise some questions in favour of women -

1) Why can't the government make it mandatory that no property can be bought or sold without the signature of wife?

2) Why aren't rape cases dealt with more severe action? Most of the cases don't get reported out because of social fear.

3) The biggest culprit is our religion - where widows cannot participate in many ceremonies - no woman can perform last rites. Why?

4) Why don't men keep fast for their wives so that she will live long. Is there a plan that the wife dies early and they can marry again?

5) Why don't men wear symbols of marriage like women wear the mangalsutra?                                                                                   
When it comes to women, empowerment is seen as a favour bestowed on them when it is every women's right. Ardhanarishwara is a combination of the masculine and feminine energies in the world - Purush and Prakriti are the root of all creation. When these complementary forces of nature come together, they create reality and that is what makes women more complete than man. A women's intuitive understanding of life and relationships makes her role as the great bonding factor in a  family and that is the unique strength of a women.
"The world's biggest power is the beauty and youth of a woman"                                                                     the nature of existence is more like a woman than like a man because man comes out of woman , woman comes out of woman means woman,s are the basic elements of this creation . man has a deep imbalance in his biology while woman is symmetrical and balanced that,s why she looks more beautiful and round woman has no corners

Monday, 19 October 2015


Our body is not just an integration of limbs and flesh but it is also the abode of the soul. Have you ever thought that how much effort we are putting to respect and protect the purity of this body, which has been created by God. human body is an amazing machine, it requires regular mantance to run effectively.

In this world, we usually have options in every thing which means confusion. The more options you have the more confusion you face. Animals have very few options so they are not confused. In life you find that the more you climb the ledger of success the more freedom you get with more options but the person who is in the lower part of ledger has a very few options. Example - A single worker in a factory has less freedom whereas the managing director has more freedom, but by the same token worker has less responsibility. Therefore freedom also implies responsibility. The problem with us is that we want to lead without any load and that is not possible. People seek fulfillment in three ways - glory, goal and God. When you work for a larger purpose it unlocks your potential. This world has been designed perfectly to fulfill you, it is only the mind that plays tricks with you and can mislead you. So strengthen the intellect with knowledge!

All creations of God are a magical play of five elements - earth, water, fire, air and space. There are seven centers of energy in human body, different emotions are linked with each of these centers - 1) base of spine - enthusiasm 2) four inches above the base - sex center 3) naval center - joy, greed, and jealous 4) chest region - love, fear, and hatred 5) throat region - gratitude and grief 6) between the eyebrows - anger and alertness 7) top of the head - BLISS. Human body is made up of five elements, it's just like a clay mould for the soul, after some time on the wheel of time, a new pot is created on the same soul. 

Your body is unique, your body is yours, appreciate every feature of it. It is God's gift to you,  enjoy it and take care of it. We are here to celebrate life according to the laws of nature. This is a wonderful eternal divine cosmic play. Our body is a product of universal energies, every thing on this planet is composed of the five elements. In this universe, the whole existence is just one energy in various forms. Our  physical body depends on how we are able to manage these five elements. When your body is properly aligned and relaxed, it generates an amazing amount of power with very little effort. Diseases are caused when the organs do not get the required supply of energy. In today's life, we have become obsessed with speed and greed for accumulation of wealth, we consume more then we converse and this is very bad for both, our body and mind. We need discipline in everything to make our body and mind perfectly fit and fine. 

"You are a tiny little creature, but the entire universe is hidden within your body!"                    What ever exists in this world also exists in your body. you are a micro-cosmic expression of this universe.

Sunday, 22 March 2015


Human life would be perfect if anger had a stop button, mistakes had a rewind button, hard times had a forward button and good times a pause button. But is it possible? No! 

Perfection is only a mindset of human beings. The definition of perfection differs from person to person. The search for perfection is as old as human history, we all want to be perfect. The greatest perfection is imperfection; indeed the greatest excitement of life is in development and progress. If one becomes perfect, it would wipe out all excitement  from life. In an ever evolving life how can we seek perfection in any state? Do the best you can and bring passion to everything you do. No one is perfect in this world, but one should always aim for perfection. Unless there is imperfection, perfection cannot be reached. Meditation provides a way to perfect our ability to stay focused.this world is imperfect and that,s why it is growing . if it was perfect it would have been dead.growth is only possible in some kind of imperfection . if you develop your potential in the right direction you can get perfection. perfection is a state of no desires. human beings always perform actions with the purpose of satisfying their desires.perfection is not attainable in full because the goal always keeps moving. fastest way to break the cycle of perfection is to give up the idea of doing every thing perfectly because this life is always setting new goals at every moment for everybody , so love and rejoice this imperfection this is not a bed thing .someone will always be better than you at some level because no one can have all the good qualities.every human being is born with the great urge to achieve a higher position in society, the will to win , the desire to success . every one is also born with a special quality but this is the duty of every one to discover that quality and utilize it to reach the perfection , there are some key points for perfection---------1  if anybody is better than you , learn from them.   2   do not whip yourself with comparison because some one will always be better than you at some level.  3 maturity is the ability to live with things we cannot change. you have no control over what the world throws at you but you have the power to convert it to worship.                                                                                                                                                                 if you develop your potential in the right direction you can get near perfection . most people die without so much as a glimpse of what they really are. all appliances have instruction manuals, these are the guide lines to take the perfect use of it similarly every human being also have a sophisticated equipment within, but without guidance your life become a mess, wisdom and humanity can takes you to the heights of perfection . every human is consist of matter and spirit   . spirit is same in all but body is different . when you dedicate your action to a higher cause you become creative, energetic and happy  but selfish action results in failure and sorrow. perfection can limit our brain capacity, so only unhappy peoples are perfectionist because they are obsessed with their work otherwise nothing is perfect in this universe. perfection simply does not exists.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Write Your Own Destiny!

Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left. If you translate every mistake of your life into a positive one, you can design your future on your own. Write your fate with your hands! It is possible to get the power to write your own destiny. Your soul is the highest truth in yourself and this soul has the power to do whatever you want. You just build faith in yourself, build your confidence with trust and live by what you believe. How you experienced it within yourself is definitely yours, it is not decided by the superstitions you believe in. It simply depends on how sensibly, intelligently and with awareness you live your life. Your peace, turmoil, joy and misery everything  are all created by you, no one can create these for you. You alone are responsible for your thoughts and only you can change them. Destiny is your own creation through your own karma - you are the master of your own destiny. You can change your destiny only when you overcome the fear of failure. Every individual is self made, but the quantum of success depends on one's own planning. Every single second has an opportunity to change your life. If I believe I cannot do it, it makes me incapable of doing it, but if I believe I can - I acquire the capability to do it. When you have the courage to take a risk, then someway forward will definitely open. Vision without action is a day dream. Action without vision is a nightmare. No one can go back and make a new start in life, so start from now. 

Life is always giving more energy to you by two main sources -  one is by sleeping and another is food. Use both the sources wisely, your life will become so beautiful, if you are moving in the right direction then only you will want to live more and more on this planet. Man in general lays all the blame of life on their fellow persons or on God and says that it was his fate. But the truth is that we reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate, so why blame destiny because it's only you who is responsible for life. 

Never complain to others! God does not design people or circumstances according to our taste. So let others behave as they are - that is not within your control anyway. Not everything in nature is always reasonable, so don't complain for everything, try to make balance with it. This is life. You are not an isolated identity in this world, but an essential piece of puzzle of humanity, try to locate properly in this cosmic world. Difference of views and ways of thinking is deeply rooted in this universe. If everybody thought alike, what will be there to think. We have no right to think that I am right and others are wrong. Truth can be seen from many angles and expressed in different ways. We must except it and don't complain. As you grows older, your mind encounters rigid frames of  like - dislike, opinions, conflicts, fear, greed etc. It means your vision is influenced by your background, and we get imprisoned by what we know. So your struggle is to see that everybody should be fit in to your opinion and this results in the form of complain. This is a very complicated way of living. If you want to enjoy your life, please be flexible and try to sustain in any kind of situation.A purpose is a master plan of our life,it helps to define our goals. it is not something that others choose for us ,we must choose it for our-self . higher the goal the greater will be your energy.So arise ,awake and stop not till the goal is reached. there is an inner momentum , if we make the right choice that will keep pushing us towards our destiny. Every step we take today will make our future.Habits decides character and character fixes our destiny

"Your destiny is always in your hands. You just need to grab it!"

Sunday, 14 December 2014

How to deal with difficult situations in life

It is my birthday today! 

I miss my husband very much today. Although I miss him everyday, but my birthday was very special for him. He always took a good sari for me on this day and pampered me. Now it's more than two years I have been living without him. After my husband's death, now I can very well realise the value of my children. This was the best and a very precious gift that my husband gave me in his life time. Children make our life meaningful and this is the only reason for which I yearn to live and take care of my children. I have three children, two girls and a boy - all of them are so responsible and sensible I really feel very proud about this. After such a sudden and shocking experience, they suddenly became so mature and responsible. My elder daughter is married but younger daughter and son are studying so I have a big responsibility to settle them in their lives. I know I can do it and I will.


Instead of criticizing any situation, let us use our time in something productive - this is the funda of my life. Complaining is a terrible habit, those who complain constantly do not wish to take responsibility for their actions. So please stop cribbing about what we don't have and look what is there for us. Our mind cannot be satisfied with either this or that, so never complain and try to utilize your mind in difficult situations. When we are going through the best phase of our life we never ask God - why me, because we take it for granted but if we lose our loved ones - we think why is this happening to me alone, our pain becomes unbearable due to the impact of the situation on us, we don't even recognise that this is an integral part of life's evolution. We need to cultivate the faith that this is the darkness before dawn and it will accelerate our personal growth. Main fear in such a situation is that how will I survive without any support in this big universe, but these setbacks are only the fear of our senses and to overcome that fear, we have to be very strong inside only then we can face the situation and cope up with this very intelligently and smoothly. I think when you lack inner strength, always put your energy into growing not griping. When you gain your inner energy you will become immune to external challenges. I have always believed that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way, we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value. This in our inner power, it makes us confident so that we can deal with any kind of situations in life.every body in this world goes through crises, insecurities ,illness etc. complications arises most often because we take things personally and too seriously . a rigid approach that expects things in a specific way only makes the matter worse. get rid of negative thoughts from your mind and  become  less complainer and more thanks giver than your problems will automatically dissolved. here are some points for overcoming very painful situations of life-----1 ) faith --    we need to cultivate faith that what ever going on is the darkness before dawn and it will accelerate our personal growth. 2) this is the law of universe you can,t change it , so try to learn a new lesson from any difficulty.  3) main fear from these setbacks is to survive without support, so try to become strong inside to cope up with the situation.every day is a new birth in time -holding out new beginnings, new possibilities and new achievements. the secret of both mental and physical health is not to mourn for the past , not to worry about the future but to live in the present moment .


Faith is your inner conviction. In reality, you are nothing with the potential of every thing.

Never lose faith in yourself. You can do anything. Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow in. If we have faith in ourselves, nothing is impossible. It is the energy that can make things happen. It is the greatest blessing that God has bestowed upon us - if you have faith in God you can live in stability and equanimity. Faith is the spirit that sustains life, it is the ray of sunshine that lightens up life. A beautiful fragrant flower that blooms even in suffering.

But faith without work is dead. It is being repeatedly proved that the things of this world and our own possessions will not be sufficient to keep us happy. People are getting increasingly addicted to a materialistic culture. In the race for bigger and better, we tend to neglect relationships, we forget to love one another. It means people are becoming more selfish. So in the absence of faith, you can't move forward either in relationships or in life. Don't limit yourself, you can go as far as your mind. What you believe, you can achieve - so don't lose faith. Faith is the power that helps us to connect with the Supreme. We all are a part of infinite and that is God. - uniquely present in all of us. You are a spark of his glory and you will get peace only when you merge in Him and this is called faith. Our real worth is not gain through education but through humanity. Faith is composed  of the heart's intention - without faith there is no knowledge, because light comes through faith. Faith brings advantages like a sense of purpose and direction, the strength to deal with challenges. It is the power that comes from a fearless heart.

Faith calls out the divinity within so miracles can happen.

Thursday, 27 November 2014


LEAD SUCH A LIFE ,that when you die ,people may mourn you and while you are alive they love your company.if you can dream it you can do it. Love is the strongest thing in this world. stronger than hate ,stronger than death.Love is not an emotion but a choice.love creates the opportunities to heal wounds and to find peace.Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy,wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion. Love is our nature when love fills us and overflows in to our words it becomes compassion.compassion is loves fragrance,Love is complete in itself and does not need to be supplimented by anything.Genuine love essentially commits itself -first giving the best from the heart with no expectations of return. The spirit of god works within man to produce love that does not keeps a record of wrongs because love is unconditional. We experience ourself in the things we love more,that's why when we lose something we love we feel hurt or unhappy. so we are not just living in our body but also in the objects and people we love. we are all made up of  small units of life. there is one life that covers all the other lives. love is eternal,neither it is born nor does it die. in making love we make another our means of happiness. we do something for another only when we have some hope of getting something from him-means we desire the fruit. That's why our love may turn into hatred at any moment.love is like a flower in blossom. like food and exercise love is also our necessity for life. emotions add colour to our life. We should know that we cannot please every one all the time. You must not let your life run in the ordinary way , do something that nobody else has done before because life is a creative process not a journey. you can be creative only if you want to enhance the beauty of life,be creative means you love your life.A life without love is like a sunless garden.if you want to know true love-you must observe the love of mother for her child .This is the gold standard of love. The fragrance of flowers spread only in the direction of wind but the goodness of a person spreads in all directions. you love your family ,you love your religion, you love your country but this is not true love this is limited love,transformation of this limited love into divine love is the goal of spirituality. Love is an inner energy which grows by shairing. jelousy kills love ,possiveness kills love- Love needs freedom.Love is our underlying emotion we desire throughout our life. Nature of love may change as we evolve  through different stages of life.From the day we are born the need of human affection is in our blood.no one is born free from the need of love.Love creates a blissful enviornment,it is the source of all positive emotions and energy .         LIFE IS A GAME AND TRUE LOVE IS A TROPHY.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Anger & Fear !!!!

Anger, fear and jealousy are the worst of all emotions. They make our life miserable! Do you know what is anger? It is just temporary madness, a product of fear, but you can get a hold to it and move on with your life. Anger needs to be thrown out of your body, because suppressing the anger inside your body can harm you. Use this energy for good work. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way, but how we react to it all depends on us. Our life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. Anger is a weak emotion, but with practice it can be controlled and used to make this world a better place to live. Anger is totally a normal human emotion, but when it gets out of control, it affects the quality of our life. Three main approaches to tackle anger are-                                                                                                           
1) suppress your anger and convert it into more constructive behaviour.
2) control your outward behaviour.
3) whenever you start getting angry, focus on something positive, so that you can calm down inside.                                                                                                                                                                               
Anger is one emotion that can destroy everything. It makes you lonely and fearful. When anger grips a person, he is not in control of his actions. Forces of anger and hate have always being organised , while forces of love and compassion have been disorganised. This is why we say -  Love is blind. Love and compassion are the best tools to deal with anger. There is nothing wrong with God's creation. Misery and suffering only exist in our mind. To have a body is to suffer; suffering is not holding you, you are holding suffering. It all depends on how you draw these burdens around you.   

Curiosity about the unknown has always been a fearful territory. It's like taking a ride on a roller coaster. You may fear it but you still seek the thrill. The fear of losing makes a person insecure, the fear of hunger makes a person greedy, the fear of being upstage makes you competitive. In short, fear is the most identifiable emotion in a human being. When a person goes to see a horror film, somewhere inside he is challenging his innermost fear, testing his limits to see how far he can go. Fear is a response to our life situations which takes away our confidence. Everyone experiences fear at some stage in life. We must understand that fear is wired into our body system by nature, it is a useful emotion that makes us choose the options that keep us safe. Everyone is trying to overcome  different types of fears -  failing in exams, losing money or body or himself! But as we know nothing is permanent in this world, we have to deal with this sensitive emotion very carefully. In our bid to play safe, we let ourself be enslaved by FEAR . It is only a fear of failure because we all want success and growth all the time, which is just not possible.